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Third Degree Reiki

For Personal Growth

Either a full single day or the usual 2 day workshop depending on 1 to 1 or group teaching, is an investigation into the experience of personal mastery. We will learn and have ample time to practice two new symbols, the Reiki Symbol and the Master Symbol. We will also learn and practice a ritual using all the symbols from Second and Third Degree to call forth the Lineage. We will explore other practical applications for this ritual. There is one initiation in Third Degree Reiki for Personal Growth.

“The greatest lesson in my life has evolved around the acceptance of love, from myself and from those around me. We can freely give only when we accept with gratitude all that life brings to us. Treat yourself each day. Make special time for yourself to touch your thoughts, your emotions, your being.” ~ Phyllis Lei Furumoto


Polished Zen Stones

The essence of Third Degree Reiki is a shift from Doing to Being. This is based on the understanding that who you are is your contribution not what you do.


In First Degree Reiki we consciously receive our relationship with the Rei to help us with our healing. In Second Degree Reiki we receive three healing symbols to help us with our healing. In Third Degree Reiki we understand that we are the light and we are asked to see ourselves as not separate from the light in any way.


The practice of Third Degree Reiki is about walking a path of personal mastery and investigating what that means for you on an individual level and how that moves you into a co-creative relationship with the Rei.



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